Transparency, Privacy, Big Data: Quo vadis Public Administration?
When: 5 November 2019, 14.30
Where: Aula Mocenigo Palazzo Bo, Via VIII febbraio 1848, n. 2 Padova
Abstract: In 2006 the Italian Government adopted a Legislative Decree (No. 36/2006) to transpose Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information.
The Directive was the first step of transparency and digitalization policies, which went beyond the aims of the Directive.
Italy adopted therefor two important legislative decrees (in 2009 and 2013) to realize the principle of transparency in our national legal and administrative system. This is pursued through the publication of a countless series of acts and information on institutional websites.
This concept of transparency raises two important issues. First, transparency is with no doubt fundamental for modern democracies, but has to be balanced with other values such as privacy and data protection. Second: increase the accountability of the Public Administration transparency policies could not reduce to mere open
data policy.
Prof. Diana-Urania Galetta
Full professor of Administrative Law and European Administrative Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Milan, where she former taught Administrative Law as an Associate professor. She studied Law and Political Science Law at the University of Milan (both Degrees cum laude). She studied also at the German University of Osnabrück (“Magistra Legum” degree cum laude).
She is Member of the Italian association of Administrative Law Professors (AIPDA), of the German Association of Public Law Professors (VDStRL), of the Societas Juris Publici Europei (SIPE). She is Member of the Steering Committee and Team Leader of WG 4 of the international research group “Network on European Administrative
Procedural Law” (ReNEUAL). She is Member of the Steering Committee of the Franco-German doctoral school on “Legal comparison in Public law in the light of European integration”.
She is Member of the Steering Committee of the “School of Journalism Walter Tobagi”, organized by the Italian Council of the Journalists in agreement with the University of Milan. She participates in the activities of several international research groups: the Dornburg Study Group on the Transformation of Administrative Law in Europe, the international research group Projeto euro-americano “Còdigo modelo de jurisdição administrativa” etc. She is Member of the Steering Committee of the “Rivista italiana di Diritto pubblico comunitario” (Italian Journal of Public EU Law) and of the Committee of Referees for several Law Journals: Diritto, immigrazione e cittadinanza; European Public Law; Foro amministrativo; IUS PUBLICUM Network Review.